United Nations Information Centres

Publications in local languages

UNICs contribute to enhancing multilingualism in the work of DGC by producing and translating information materials into local languages. UNICs produce various print materials including booklets, brochures, pamphlets and information kits and they also translate UN publications into local languages. UNICs have produced publications in 153 local languages.

Below you will find a list of some of the information materials produced by UNICs in local languages with links to electronic versions, where available.

Other publications - Kyiv
Ban Ki-moon: My Priorities as UN Secretary-General Ukranian pdf     360 KB
Discovering the United Nations Ukranian pdf     10.5 MB
Image and Reality: Questions and Answers About the United Nations Ukranian pdf     7.44 MB
United Nations in Brief Ukranian pdf     844 KB
United Nations in Ukraine Ukranian pdf     492 KB
